Monday, 29 October 2012

Review - Da Lake House

Hullo ebearyone!!

I do another review now. It is called Da Lake House. It is about two peoples dat fall in loves via postings. Neo from Matrix lives in past, and Bullock lives 2 years latings. Bullock is a doctings like myself, she does not drive speeding bus anymore. Neo has become Architect, he does not fly or fight anymores. Dey communicate by lettings they put on post box which is outside a House by a lake.

Needs curtains
 The film is beary romantics. But i don't understand its. Why didn't Neo just get in post box and travel to future himself without needing to send lettings! Pawhaps it is because he is too bigs, if he was bear he could do this!!!!!Ehehehehehehe.
Too big!
I finks the idea of having postbox to travel in time is good. Because if you have cayk that has gone off, you can send it back in time and it will be nice and fresh in the past!!!

I likes dis film, but not really likes so i give it a nice rating.


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