Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Gest Review - James Bondings SkyFallings

Hullo hullo ebearyone again!!!

My gud gud furends da Koosas have reviewed James Bondings fur us all!!! I hopes you enjoys did review, i fink it is beary good!
License to pawty!!!

The new 007 movie came out and we have already seen it twice! In Skyfallings, James Bondings rides motorcycles on rooftops, hangs off of a fancy elevator and fights on top of trains! He has a new Q, who is a young hipster guy who likes the computers.

Everyone tells James Bondings he is old and fat and out of shape. But he looks like sexy Daniel Craig to us! Javier Bardemings plays a creepy flamboyant blonde. Mr. Milo is also a creepy flamboyant blonde! More cayks for this movie.

James Bondings is not as sad and broody as he used to be. He gets his Waltherings PPK and his Aston Martin car! This movie hits you over the head that you can have tradition AND fancy new things.

Five cayks to Skyfallings! The cinematographer, Roger Deakins, has been nominated for Oscars 12 times and never won. We are going to make him a special gold cayk for making such pretty pictures.


1 comment:

  1. I agree! I think Skyfall is the best of the Daniel Craig 007's! The return towards original Bond is awesome! The car, the PPK, cheeky new Q, stiff-upper-lipped new M, and reintroduction of Moneypenny! No wonder original Bond never got with her...she nearly killed him! I didn't care for the depressed, moody Bond from the last 2 movies. Excellent review, Dr, keep it up!
